



The law specifies how og体育 must determine the amount of Title IV 如果你从学校退学,你可以获得的项目援助. 标题四涵盖的项目 by this law include: 联邦佩尔助学金s, Iraq and Afghanistan Service 奖助金, TEACH 奖助金, Direct Loan, Direct Plus Loans, Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity 助学金和联邦珀金斯贷款.

When a Title IV 援助 recipient completely withdraws from TSC prior to the end of the 期满后,奖学金将被退还. 计算将基于 参加的天数与学期总天数的比较. 撤军 超过60%的期限不受退货计算的影响. 用于学费的援助; fees, books, and room/ board, will be refunded by both the student and the College.

The withdrawal date will need to be determined in order to calculate the amount to 返回. 这将是学生开始退出过程的日期 Student Services Office, or otherwise provide the institution with notification of 退出意向. 如果学生在没有任何通知的情况下退学,在 the term (50% 援助 returned) will be used as the withdrawal date or the student’s last 参加学术相关活动的记录日期. 如果退出 process was not begun because of illness, accident, or similar circumstance beyond the student’s control the institution will determine the appropriate withdrawal date. If at the end of the semester the student receives all W’s, F’s or a combination, 将以实际最后出席日期为准.

The College will return to the Title IV programs, the amount based on the standard 计算. 这笔钱现在由学生支付给学院. 此外, 学生将退还任何剩余的未赚取的第四章资金. (如果学生需要的话 return funds to the Pell or SEOG programs based on the return priority, they need (不超过原金额的50%). 学生有45天的还款期限 他们的部分. 在学生被告知之日起45天之后不久 in writing of their repayment obligation, If the student has not rep援助 the overpayment in full, the College will report the overpayment to Enterprise Recovery 系统(人) 托收. 学院将向学生开账单,这就成为学院的债务. The student will remain eligible for Federal Title IV 援助 at any post-secondary institution. The loan amounts the student needs to return will be rep援助 according to the regular 贷款的还款时间表. 退还给学校的贷款将记入贷方 原贷款金额.

例子: 估计你可能获得的援助金额和学生可能需要的金额 返回:
一名12人的全日制学生获得了1563美元的佩尔助学金.0信用 小时. 学生这学期的总费用为726美元.20. 这个学生完成了30日历 任期111天中的天数.

原始佩尔奖 $1,563.00
获得第四章助学金的百分比27%获得第四章助学金的数额 $ 422.01
未获得的佩尔奖学金第四章助学金金额(有待退还的第四章助学金) $ 1,140.99
由学生承担的院校收费 $ 726.20
第四章助学金未获得的百分比 73%
未获机构收费 $ 530.13
(原始奖励-机构收费)=学生金额x未获得百分比/ 2 =学生必须偿还的总金额($1563 - $726.20) x 73% = 610.86 /2 = $305.43 $305.43
佩尔基金将由该机构退还给教育部 $ 530.13
佩尔基金由学生退还给教育部 $ 305.43


The amount of the post-withdrawal disbursement is the difference between the amount 第四章资金的支出和所赚取的金额.
A College may not make a post-withdrawal disbursement of any of the following Title 第四基金:

  • Second or subsequent Direct Loan disbursements to a student who did not graduate or 成功完成贷款期限.
  • Direct Loan disbursement to a first-time, first year undergraduate who withdrew before completing the first 30 days of their program at a College that is not exempt from 延迟交付/支付要求.
  • Direct Loan or Federal Perkins Loan disbursement to a borrower who has not signed 贷款的本票.
  • Disbursements of any Title IV funds to students for whom the College did not receive a valid Institutional Student Information Record (ISIR) or Student Aid Record (SAR) 在学生退课之前,或者在美国政府公布的年度截止日期之前.S. 部门 《og体育app》上的教育.
  • 联邦佩尔助学金, FSEOG or Perkins Loan disbursement for a subsequent payment period to a student who withdrew from a non-term credit hour program before completing the 学生已获付款的上一个付款期.


  • The notification must include the information necessary to make an informed decision 取决于学生或家长是否愿意接受付款.
  • The notice must be sent within 30 calendar days after the date that the College determines 那个学生退席了.
  • The notice must permit the parent/student to determine which funds, if any, they wish 接受/拒绝.
  • The notice must also advise that if there is no response within 14 calendar days that the College is not required to make the post-withdrawal disbursement and funds will 回到第四章项目.
  • If the notification is received from the student/parent within 14 days, the College 贷款款项必须在180天内拨付,拨款款项必须在45天内拨付. 如果授权 is received after the 14 day deadline, the College must notify the student or parent 这笔款项将不会支付,原因是什么.


  • 无补贴斯塔福德贷款
  • 助学贷款
  • 加上贷款
  • 联邦佩尔助学金
  • 联邦SEOG


Within 45 days from the date the College determined that 那个学生退席了, the 学院将退还学院负责的未赚资金.

  1. Within 30 days from the date the College determined that 那个学生退席了, the 如果适用,学院将提供取款后付款.
  2. A student that does not repay the grant overpayment in full to the College, or enter 与学院或美国大学签订的还款协议.S. 教育部内 earlier of 45 days from the date the College sends a notification to the student of the overpayment, or 45 days from the date the College was required to notify the student 将失去获得第四章基金的资格.
  • The letter sent to the student must inform her/him of the dollar amount owed, the method for repaying the funds, and to whom, as well as the consequences of failing 偿还资金. 如果学生还钱给学院,财政 援助 office will be responsible for returning the unearned funds to the proper program.
  • 在学生被告知之日起45天之后不久 in writing of their repayment obligation, if the student has not rep援助 the overpayment in full:
  • The College will report the overpayment to National Student Loan Data System (NSLDS).
  • 学院将把学生的多付费用提交给美国学生资助委员会.S. 教育部 托收. 推荐信必须印有学院抬头.
  • The College must report any satisfactory payment arrangements on NSLDS and correctly 在nsld内更改状态码以反映相同的内容.

The fees, procedures, and policies listed above supersede those published previously 并且随时都有可能发生变化. 这里没有列出的财政援助政策是 可在财政援助办公室获得.

Federal funds may not cover all unp援助 institutional charges due to the institution 在学生退学后. 因此,你可能还欠学校资金 支付未付的机构费用. 这包括第四章项目资金 学校被要求代表你回来. 参考og体育首存活动的退款 政策 http://honors.zizhanggui.com/admissions/withdraw.html.

You will not be able to register for future terms or obtain transcripts until the 你所欠og体育首存活动的余额将全额付清. 未付余款 in full within 45 days may result in your account being referred to Enterprise Recovery 系统(人). 此外,您可能会被放置在一个不合格的财政状况 援助. 参考og体育首存活动令人满意的学业进步政策 http://www.cccs.edu/sp-4-20c-return-of-title-iv-funds/.


Please note that any loan borrowed by the student or parent will be submitted to the 国家学生贷款数据库系统(NSLDS),并将通过担保访问 agencies, lenders, and schools determined to be authorized users of the data system.